Critical Thinking
Whether via classroom discussions, analysis of written text, higher-order questioning, or other strategies, learn and share ways to help students go deeper with their thinking.
Using the ‘Would You Rather’ Game for Reasoning and Reflection
A classic decision-making game can help students practice higher-order thinking skills in every subject—and get them to approach content in fresh ways.Using Picture Books to Teach Children About Large Numbers
These strategies help elementary students grapple with the very large numbers involved in talking about time and space.Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Exploring Before Explaining Sparks Learning
New elementary science teachers can build student engagement and enhance learning by using the explore-before-explain approach.Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.16 Variations on Think-Pair-Share to Keep Students Engaged
Teachers and students use this classic learning strategy often. To keep it from getting stale, try these tweaks.Guiding Students to Think Like a Teacher
To increase engagement and foster collaboration, high school teachers can have students prepare and present part of a lesson.Designing a Course That Develops Students’ Metacognition
By shifting their focus to the process of learning instead of the product, students are encouraged to develop critical cognitive competencies.7 Ways to Show Students Their Academic Growth
Teacher-tested, motivating activities that get students out of their own performance loop and make learning visible—even when they struggle to see the forest for the trees.Documenting Learning Through Portfolios
These strategies let students see how they have progressed during the school year, enabling them to keep building on their successes and learning from any missteps.Guiding Elementary Students to Show Their Thinking
These tips can help early elementary teachers foster students’ metacognition, helping them see how much they’re learning.AI Tool Demo: Creative Uses for ChatGPT in History and ELA
Assistant editor Daniel Leonard shares a few interesting applications of ChatGPT that teachers have adopted to drive critical thinking and deeper analysis.Why Students Should Write in All Subjects
Writing improves learning by consolidating information in long-term memory, researchers explain. Plus, five engaging writing activities to use in all subjects.19.6kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.How to Move From the ‘Main Idea’ to ‘Background Knowledge’
Traditional approaches to reading instruction—such as finding the “main idea”—are less effective than a knowledge-rich approach, the research shows.How ‘Would You Rather’ Questions Can Support Higher-Order Thinking
Teachers can move ‘Would You Rather’ questions beyond brain breaks, using them to boost engagement during all stages of instruction.Building Problem-Solving Habits With Desmos and Fermi Problems
These strategies for developing secondary students’ math skills, including estimation, can benefit them in class and the real world.241Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Using Morning Messages to Start the Day in Distance Learning
The morning message is a popular way to help elementary students transition into school—and it can be adapted for home learning.15.8kYour content has been saved!
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