Restorative Practices
Educators across the country are replacing punitive discipline with a restorative approach, resulting in fewer suspensions and expulsions. Learn how educators make these practices successful in their classrooms and schools.
An Alternative to Punitive Discipline That Really Holds Students Accountable
True restorative practices call on students to repair what they’ve damaged and earn forgiveness from those they’ve harmed.687An Administrator’s Strategy for Calming Disruptive Students so They Can Stay in Class
When an administrator is called in to deal with a disruptive student, the situation is serious. This is a model for helping the student calm down so they can remain in class.8.1kWeekly Circles for Students and Faculty
See what happens when students and faculty participate in regular meetings to build trust and promote deeper learning.20.1kUsing Student Listening Circles to Promote Self-Advocacy in Middle and High School
A practice associated with restorative justice can be used outside of that context to help students find their voice.2543 Alternatives to Assigning Detention
Developing relationships with students to help them make positive choices requires planning and patience, but the work pays off.5.7kUsing Restorative Communication as a Classroom Management Tool
By avoiding communication blockers, teachers can help students talk through disruptive behavior in the classroom.823A Relationship-Driven Strategy for Addressing Challenging Behavior
Putting relationships first can yield positive results in student success.4.2kRestorative Justice: Resources for Schools
Explore resources and case studies that demonstrate how to bring restorative justice to your school or classroom.17.7kBuilding Community With Restorative Circles
A technique for proactively building the skills and relationships students will need when challenges arise.12kUsing Restorative Justice to Transform School Culture
When restorative justice is implemented on a schoolwide level, it has the potential to transform relationships between teachers and students.3.7kAn Alternative to In-School Suspension
In lieu of a more punitive approach, students use restorative practices to resolve conflicts and reflect on their behaviors.11.2kWhy Restorative Practices Benefit All Students
Punitive discipline can be harmful and unfair—restorative practices offer hopeful solutions.12.5kJustice Committee: Using Restorative Practices to Resolve Conflicts
Students at Pittsfield Middle High School are trained to mediate conflicts between their fellow students—and between students and teachers.11kA Proactive Approach to Discipline
Restorative discipline seeks to create an environment in which problem behavior is less likely to occur.7.8kSuspensions Don’t Teach
Restorative practices—an alternative to punitive justice—keep kids in school, where they can learn how their behavior affects others.7.4k