Resources Toolkit for New Teachers
An array of articles, videos, and other resources that are chock-full of tips and advice for teachers just starting out.
Before you dig in to the resources, consider advice from veteran educator Elena Aguilar in her post, "What I Wish I'd Known as a New Teacher." Also, listen to encouragement and insight from a variety of educators who describe what they would have said to themselves on their own first day of teaching, in the video "If I Knew Then: A Letter to Me on My First Day of Teaching."
Preparing, Planning, and Support: To set the stage for a successful first year of teaching, it’s important to do some advance planning and preparation. We’ve collected a variety of resources to help new teachers start the year off right. (20+ Resources)
Designing the Learning Environment: For new teachers, this resource compilation includes tips and guides on classroom design and layout to help maximize the possibilities of the learning environment. (15+ Resources)
Classroom-Management Fundamentals: Discover resources for new teachers on developing routines, fostering classroom community, managing disruptions, and building student relationships. (40+ Resources)
Lesson and Curriculum Planning: Explore a diverse collection of curriculum-planning tips, guidance, and other resources meant to help new teachers plan effective activities, lessons, and units. (15+ Resources)
A Primer on Assessment: In this guide for new teachers, learn about different types of assessment and how they can be used to provide feedback to learners and inform instruction. (30+ Resources)
Technology-Integration Basics: Find tips, strategies, tools, and other resources to help new teachers successfully integrate technology to facilitate educational objectives in the classroom. (25+ Resources)
Working With Parents: Engaging and building trust with parents and creating supportive home-to-school connections is critical to new-teacher success; find resources to get started here. (15+ Resources)