5-Minute Film Festival: 7 Videos on Love for Valentine’s Day
It’s Valentine’s Day! And Edutopia’s VideoAmy has collected these 7 delightfully entertaining videos about love to help you celebrate.
Whether you're a softie who jumps at any opportunity to tell everyone around you how much you love them, or a curmudgeon who thinks February 14th is a holiday manufactured by Hallmark and the candy industry to make everyone spend money, Valentine's Day gets a rise out of almost everyone. I confess to being the former, so I couldn't help gathering a collection of videos to celebrate the art, the science, and the mystery of love. As always, please preview anything you want to share with students -- there are some mentions in this playlist of topics not appropriate for the littlest ones. Enjoy!
Video Playlist: The Sweetest Valentine's Day
Watch the first video below, or watch the whole playlist on YouTube.
- What is Love? - Brad Troeger (05:00)
I really enjoyed the vintage animation style of this great TED-Ed video. Wisconsin health teacher Brad Troeger built a full lesson for this video over at TED-Ed's website if you want to dig deeper.
- Kids React to Valentine's Day (03:36)
Let these adorable little ones get you in the mood for laughing and learning about love, as they ponder some terribly important questions (to a Django Reinhardt tune, no less!). Small Fry blog interviewed 25 kids for this video.
- Danny and Annie (05:51)
StoryCorps is a wonderful organization that collects audio of people telling personal stories. Get the tissues -- this one, about a working-class Brooklyn couple and their 27-year romance, will have you weeping, I promise.
- Your Brain in Love and Lust (04:41)
Okay, enough heart-string tugging -- Scientific American is ready to get physical with this video that traces the flow of chemicals through your brain in the different stages of romance.
- Valentine's Day for Math Nerds (03:41)
This is for those that would rather map out their feelings in a spreadsheet -- a series of charts and graphs that poke fun at all the energy we put into Valentine's Day (or, as the narrator calls it, Singles Awareness Day).
- What Does Love Look Like to YOU? (02:26)
The ever-wonderful SoulPancake team asked their viewers to send footage of what love looked like, and the result is this sweet montage of user-generated clips, originally aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network.
- The Proof That We Are Soulmates (01:49)
And here's the geekiest love story of all -- this made headlines in 2012 when a Stanford journalism professor proposed by publishing an online infographic "proving" that he and his sweetheart were soul-mates. An Italian motion designer was inspired by the story to make this short video.
More Resources for Teaching About Valentine's Day
I realize it's a little late for lesson plans around Valentine's Day, but maybe these will provide a little help for next year. Or, ditch the V-Day specifics and just get the kids talking about love, any time of the year! Feel free to share your favorite love-related activities and ideas in the comments below, and I hope you have a sweet Valentine's Day.
- Original Valentine's Day Lessons via TeachHUB.com
- The Best Websites to Learn About Valentine's Day via Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day
- St. Valentine's Day Teaching Resources via Think, Educate, Share
- Valentine's Day: Everything You Need via Scholastic
- Valentine's Day Teacher Resources via TeacherVision
- Valentine's Day is Today! via ReadWriteThink
- Ten Free Things for Valentine's Day via National Education Association