How Making Robots Captivates Kids’ Imaginations
Building robots inspires such passion in high school seniors Violet and Kjersti that they’ve begun mentoring younger robotics teams to teach STEM skills — and save their school’s robotics program.
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Edutopia's new series profiles young people who are making their learning more authentic by taking it into their own hands, on their own time. This series is produced by Mobile Digital Arts and Twin Cities Public Television, as a companion to an hour-long PBS special that is now available to watch.
More Edutopia Coverage on Engaging Girls in STEM
- BLOG: Five Ways to Get Girls into STEM
Engineering consultant Karen Purcell stresses the importance of capturing young girls' interest in STEM subjects and career paths, offering five strategies to make this happen.
- BLOG: Girls and Science: A Dream Deferred
Yale professor and science evangelist Ainissa Ramirez looks at how girls have been diverted from learning STEM subjects, and at how we need to recapture their interest.
- BLOG: Girls Launch Their Own High-Interest STEM Project -- into Space
Blogger Suzie Boss profiles middle-school girls who set out to buy the gear they need, work together, and address a host of technical challenges.
Visit the Is School Enough? series page to see more videos on informal learning.