Formative Assessment
Find and share ideas for checking in with students during a project, class, or semester to assess their learning and see if content or instruction needs adjusting.
How to Encourage Students to Turn In Quality Work
To help prevent hastily completed assignments, teachers can share clear expectations with students and offer manageable timelines.Using Portfolios to Assess Student Learning
Allowing students to select the work that they feel is most representative of their learning is a powerful way to assess student knowledge.Your content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Scaffolding Like a Pro: Powerful Ways to Support Learning
With options ranging from tried-and-true to lesser known, these strategies for cognitive, metacognitive, and procedural scaffolding will help you set students up for success.Inviting Participation With Thumbs-Up Responses
A quick assessment strategy replaces raised hands, encouraging more students to contribute by accommodating their different processing needs.164.5kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.Using Mastery Checks to Assess Student Learning
Unlike simultaneous, class-wide tests or exit tickets, Mastery Checks allow students to demonstrate learning at their own pace.6 Research-Backed Ways to Break Up Your Lectures
Lectures are efficient ways to convey information, but kids tend to tune them out. Here are 6 activities that will keep students focused while improving learning outcomes.7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment
Within these methods you’ll find close to 40 tools and tricks for finding out what your students know while they’re still learning.67kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.How to Make One-on-One ELA Conferences Work
Middle school teachers and students can both benefit from individual conferences, and this routine makes them manageable.Assessing as You Teach
These formative assessment strategies for the early grades can save time as you, and your students, discover where they are in the learning process.How Can I Be Sure I Know What Students Are Learning?
A teacher who found that reams of data didn’t capture students’ learning made these three tweaks to his quizzes and tests.60-Second Strategy: Whiteboard Relay
The team competition is fierce in this informal assessment activity, in which students have to work together to win.8kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.28 Ways to Quickly Check for Understanding
From sketching comics to drafting tweets, these fun—and fast—ways to check for understanding are creative and flexible.Covid-19’s Impact on Students’ Academic and Mental Well-Being
The pandemic has revealed—and exacerbated—inequities that hold many students back. Here’s how teachers can help.28.1kYour content has been saved!
Go to My Saved Content.27 Super-Smart, Teacher-Tested Closing Activities
Quick (and fun) strategies to check for understanding, reinforce learning, and identify misconceptions in the last moments of class.8 Quick Checks for Understanding
Formative assessment is a proven technique for improving student learning, and the strategies shared here by Jay McTighe work both in the classroom and remotely.17.7kYour content has been saved!
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