Student Achievement Skyrockets at a Tucson Elementary School
An effective classroom-based program of differentiated instruction, called Reteach and Enrich, kicked off eight straight years of success at Mesquite Elementary.
Reteach and Enrich began in the 2002-03 school year. Students are given weekly assessments designed to measure students' understanding of each week's math concepts. Based on assessment results, students are placed into groups receiving either re-teaching or enrichment activities. At the end of the year, statewide tests measure students' overall math level. After the Reteach and Enrich program, the number of third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders meeting and exceeding state math standards increased significantly. Teachers at Mesquite report that Reteach and Enrich was key to the increase in test scores; however, since this was not a controlled study, it should be noted that many other factors could also explain the increase.
Mesquite Elementary School
601 | Public, SuburbanPer Pupil Expenditures
$6252 School • $6815 District • $7609 StateFree / Reduced Lunch
12% special needs
3% English-language learners