School of the Future by the Numbers
This New York City middle and high school ensures that students learn how to think critically and are assessed in an authentic way.
The School of the Future (SOF) is a public school in New York City’s bustling Gramercy Park neighborhood.
Income in the 2009-10 year from grants:
Approximately $40,000
Computers for students:
Five mobile labs with 15-25 laptops plus 30 stationary Mac desktops in a computer lab
Dedicated collaborative-planning hours:
- Three hours per week for departmental, grade-level, and special ed/general ed
collaborative meetings
- Two hours per month for full staff meetings
Eighth graders scoring at or above a level 3 (meeting standards or meeting standards with distinction) on the New York State Assessments, 2009:
- English-language arts: 82%, up from 74% the previous year
- Math: 94%, up from 84% the previous year
Building constructed: 1905
Year Stacy Goldstein became director of the middle school: 2005
Year John Fanning became director of the high school: 2006
School Of The Future
689 | Public, UrbanPer Pupil Expenditures
$5000 per general ed student per the Fair Student Funding formula.Free / Reduced Lunch
2% English-language learners
17% Individualized education programs
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