Readers’ Survey 2007
Once again, you’ve given us a priceless education.
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Go to My Saved Content.Only foolish editors think they have more to teach their readers than they have to learn from them. And we, whose subject is education and whose readers are educators, know better. Last year, our first Readers' Survey, consisting of twenty questions, gave us a vivid snapshot of what you liked best, disliked most, and needed more of.
So, for 2007, we tacked on another five questions. A greater number of you answered this year's survey queries, and we received another intensive course in what you're thinking -- which will get us thinking about how well we're addressing your needs, concerns, and interests. Thanks to our responsive readers, we can all now audit the class. And remember, some of this will be on the final.

- Best Source of Classroom Freebies
- Best Site to Download Free Lessons
- Best Virtual Field Trip
- Most Effective Mode of Classroom Discipline
- Best Open Source Software for Education
- Who, from the Past or Present, You'd Like to Teach Your Class for a Day
- What You Wish You Had Learned in High School
- Most Overrated Buzzword or Idea
- Best Blog for Educators
- Amount You Spend Out of Pocket Each Year on Classroom Supplies
- Best Tech Tool
- Hottest Topic in the Teachers' Lounge
- Best New Book About Education
- Best Educational Podcast
- Greatest Concern Expressed by Parents
- What You Wish You Had Learned in Your Degree or Certification Program
- Best Technology Product for Less Than $100
- Best Education Software
- Best Book for Parents on Technology and Children
- Best YouTube Video About Education
- Best Public Advocate for Education
- Subject That Typically Isn't Taught in School That Should Be
- Best Way Schools Can Keep New Teachers from Burning Out
- Best Education Role Model
- Best Site for Grant Information