K-5 iPad Apps According to Bloom’s Taxonomy
An elementary library media specialist reviews iPad apps as they map to an updated version of Bloom’s Taxonomy in this six-part series.
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In this six-part series, I will highlight apps useful for developing higher order thinking skills in grades K-5 classrooms. Each list will highlight a few apps that connect to the various stages on Bloom's continuum of learning. Given the size and current exponential growth of the app market, I will also assist educators in setting criteria necessary to identify apps that maintain the integrity of teaching for thinking.
See the entire series below
Part One: K-5 iPad Apps for Remembering
Part Two: K-5 iPad Apps for Understanding
Part Three: K-5 iPad Apps for Applying
Part Four: K-5 iPad Apps for Analyzing
Part Five: K-5 iPad Apps for Evaluating
Part Six: K-5 iPad Apps for Creating