Go Green: Education for the Ecosystem
This environmental issue includes a roster of green heroes, lesson plans, service-learning opportunities, and more.
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There are enormous gains to be made in public education -- potential reforms for what ails the system and promising innovations to bring it to the cutting edge. But every scenario for improvement takes for granted the good health and staying power of our ecosystem.
Can we assume that ongoing pollution of air, water, and soil, as well as extreme weather and other consequences of climate change, will not hamper our vital efforts to effect change? Unfortunately, no. Without significant support, the planet will not provide a safe context for growth or learning.
Fortunately, this reality has not escaped many people invested in education culture. Students, teachers,administrators, and environmental activists have foundways to integrate knowledge and awareness of Earth'sfragility with classwork and community service, carefullyblending concern with action to help kids feel engagedand hopeful.
That is also our goal with this "Go Green"issue of Edutopia. Every section of the magazine is tiedto the theme, from the Editor's Note to Cool Schools toDesign, and we enrich the whole package with featurestories dedicated to an exploration of green curriculum,a look at those bringing environmental awarenessto education, and projects that involve students andteachers directly with protection of the environment.
Credit: VeerRead these articles and resources about environmental actions in, around, and for schools:
- Kids Count: Student researchers become the eyes and ears of environmental scientists.
- Taking It to the Class: Try these great lesson ideas for environmentally conscious teachers (and their lucky students).
- Green Heroes: Here are some outstanding educators and students who have become agents of environmental change.