Collaboration Generation: Teaching and Learning for a New Age
Our future success depends on our cooperative agility.
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Information age, rest in pieces. This is the Collaboration Age.
We can all connect instantly across time zones and oceans. Previously impossible partnerships now produce startling innovations. And the four walls of your classroom no longer limit your students' reach.
To thrive in this always-on community, students and teachers must become agile learners, creators, and collaborators. Their success and our country's future depend on it.
It's tough for educators to meet this challenge when the No Child Left Behind law feeds a national obsession with the what of knowledge, not the how. But they can. They must. And some already do.
Collaboration Generation: Special Report -- Contents
Explore articles, videos, audio, and more:
- Collaboration Generation: Teaching and Learning for a New Age
- World Without Walls: Learning Well with Others
- Collaborative Crusader: Creating a Twenty-First-Century Learning Community for Teachers
- Real World, San Diego: Hands-On Learning at High Tech High
- From Cornfields to Computers: Reinventing a Township for the Modern Age
- Taking the Initiative: A Sweeping Agenda for Twenty-First-Century Change
- Jobs of Tomorrow: Classifieds Our Students Should Get Prepared to Read
- What's Not on the Test: How to Turn Assessment into Learning
- Youth Voices: What the Next Generation Wants to Learn
- Transformed by Technology: The Future Is Present
- Adult-World Connections: An Internship with Real Impact for Rescuers
- The DNA of Learning: Teens Tackle Animal Poaching Through Genetics
- High Tech, Higher Learning: A School Grows Its Own Teachers
- Team Teaching: Two Teachers, Three Subjects, One Project
- Taking the Lead: An Interview with Larry Rosenstock
- Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age: A New Model for the Workplace
- Form and Function: The Sights and Sounds of Science-Art Projects
- Beyond Technology: A School District Refocuses for This Century (audio slide show)