Technology Integration

Four Scary Good Ed Tech Sites

October 25, 2012

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I spent some time trying to come up with a really scary post for Halloween, but I decided I would stay positive instead and share some scary good sites on educational technology. Get it? Scary? Anyway, here are four tried and true sites I always turn to when I need help with a tech tool or when I'm looking for something new. Warning: the puns you are about to read are also terrifying.

iLearn Technology

This site by Kelly Tenkely is filled with terrifyingly wonderful new sites for K-12 and suggestions for how best to integrate them into the classroom. All of the posts are accurately tagged and easy to search on iLearn. Kelly is an excellent resource of new goodies for teachers of all levels to check out. She is wonderfully personable on Twitter (@KTenkely) and will always help out a member of her PLN. Take a minute to check out her blog and enjoy the awesomeness you will find inside.

Blogging About the Web 2.0 Connected Classroom

Steven Anderson (@Web20Classroom on Twitter) is the ghoul behind this amazing site. He spends his time helping educators around the world digging up the best sites to use in their classroom. He's covered just about every single web-tool out there. Not only does Steven love to share cool new sites with his readers, he also uses his blog to reflect on the use of technology in his life. He's written about the power of Twitter and #edchat as well as the personal value he finds in blogging. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't see something Steven has tweeted that I immediately favorite for later reading. His site is a keeper.

Free Technology For Teachers

This bone-rattling good site is run by Richard Byrne. He posts new information every single day ranging from the power of Google products to the magic of everyday gadgets. His site is filled with helpful information perfect for any educator at any level. There have been a handful of times where I couldn't quite think of a tool I wanted to use and then found it right away on Richard's site. Free Technology for Teachers is a must-bookmark/add for the Google Reader site of every single educator in the world. It's like Richard put a spell on it, that’s how good it is.


This website comes from the mad scientist himself, Adam Below. The man behind eduTecher has created a place for everyone to share all of their awesome education information. This digital clipboard for educators is everything a person could hope. Filled with new content from users every single day, it's the perfect resource for educators looking for that special something to add to their lesson plans. Although still in beta, eduClipper is the go-to site for tricks and treats shared by some of the top leaders in education technology. Ignoring this site would be a grave mistake.

Failure to check out any of these amazing sites is a surefire way to bring down the wrath of the educational gods of yore. Take some time to dive into these very informative sites; they're sure to scare up some great responses from students and staff. Have a safe and happy Halloween.

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