5-Minute Film Festival: Digging Into the Common Core
VideoAmy has collected this playlist of videos and resources for educators everywhere who are facing the challenge of mapping their practice to the Common Core State Standards.
It's been nearly two years since I first wrote up "Resources for Understanding the Common Core State Standards," Edutopia's roundup page for all things Common Core, and the demand for tools and resources only grows as we get deeper into implementation. Like any major (and mandated!) educational initiative, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) have their fans and their detractors, but if you're in one of the 45+ states that have signed on, they are here to stay. I highly recommend reading an excellent recent opinion piece from The New York Times, by Charles M. Blow, "The Common Core and the Common Good," which provides a compelling and succinct summary of the potential problems and the opportunities around the Common Core.
Edutopia's team of bloggers have been exploring every corner of the Common Core. "How Will Common Core Change What We Do?" is a post by Erin Powers which did a great job of encapsulating all the questions educators have. Successfully implementing the new standards is a challenge many are dealing with daily. What's all the talk about? Why are they so important? And how can you sort through the noise to find the best information about this complex topic? Here's a list of videos I've chosen to help you wrap your head around what the Common Core actually means -- both in theory and in practice.
Video Playlist: Digging Into the Common Core State Standards
Watch the first video below, or watch the whole playlist on YouTube.
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More Resources for Integrating the Common Core
You can see the spectrum of heated opinions about the Common Core in the comments of some of the videos above, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that teachers will need excellent resources for successful implementation. Since we've published a whole resource page dedicated to this, I'll just direct you there for a much deeper exploration of the resources available online; it's the first link on the list below. I've added just a few additional useful links to get you started, on Edutopia and out on the Web.