Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

Readers’ Survey 2006: Who, from the Past or Present, Would You Like to Teach Your Class for a Day

Edutopia readers weigh in on their favorites.

April 3, 2006

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Martin Luther King Jr.

A daydreamer's paradise, but the great freedom fighter prevailed. And not a bad choice, we must say. Still, the contest was close: Leonardo da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin tied for second. Jesus and George Lucas were neck and neck in a respectable third-place finish.

Our Take

Napoleon Bonaparte

In this highly personal list of those who could inspire young minds, everyone had a place: astronauts, explorers, mothers, Bono. Our favorite, though, is the great tyrant Napoleon Bonaparte. An unusual choice, to be sure, but it also got us thinking about what his lesson plan might look like:

Napoleon's Lesson Plan (Wednesday, April 26)

  • Conquer western Europe
  • Find out about this Wellington person (Internet use -- OK)
  • English lesson
  • Flemish lesson
  • Italian lesson
  • Arabic lesson
  • Lunch!
  • STAR testing
  • Assign term paper on enlightened despots
  • Attack Moscow
  • Clap erasers
  • Dismissal
  • (Make reservation at Elba)

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