Career Tech Meets College Prep: Downloads and Resources
Free tools, reading lists, web links and other resources to help bring this strategy to your school.
Top Sites and Organizations
We've compiled a list of sites and organizations that provide useful information, background, and resources, helping you to better understand and implement Career and Technical Education.
A Profile of the California Partnership Academies 2004-2005 (download)
California Department of Education, Program Overview: The Academy Model
University of California Career Technical Education Resources
The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce
National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium
CTE Online: Advancing Academic Achievement Through Career & Technical Education
Linking Education and Economic Development (LEED)
National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)
High School Career Academies: A 40-Year Proven Model for Improving College and Career Readiness
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment Outlook - 2008-1018 (download)
Rubrics, Curriculum, Certification, and Evaluation
Find out what it takes to put Career and Technical Education into practice. Here you'll find tools that will help you get started in your district, school or classroom.
National Career Academy Coalition - National Standards of Practice
ConnectEd: Major Steps to Design an Integrated Curriculum Unit
ConnectEd: Sample Course Sequence
Internships, Mentorships, Partnerships
Internships are an integral part of successful Career and Technical Education programs. Here are templates, guides, and contracts that you can use to build your partnerships.
Mentoring Contracts
Work Site Learning Plan
Student Internship Evaluation
Volunteer Mentor Form
Student Job Shadowing Work Schedule
Resources for Starting a CTE Program
Identify Local Industries and Occupations Important to the Region:
* The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has information about job forecasts, education and training for many different professions and occupations.
* The California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program invests in educational and training programs targeted to emerging and high demand industries.
Find Compatible Partners:
* In Sacramento County, the nonprofit group Linking Education and Economic Development (LEED) has created a collaboration of 21 school districts, the county office of education and dozens of labor organizations and employers.
Align CTE with Academic and Industry-Endorsed Standards
* Multiple Pathways in California: An Emerging Option for High School Reform, November 2009, EdSource
* 2008-2012 California State Plan for Career Technical Education (download)
* California Education Code Section 51220-51229
Professional Development
Materials from Bravo, Sheldon, and Laguna Creek
Laguna Creek High School, in Elk Grove, CA
Manufacturing Production Technology Academy (MPTA) Application
MPTA: ConnectEd Model Program
GETA Four Year Scope and Sequence
Overview of GETA Academy Course Sequence
GETA Academy: Wind Turbine Project
National Energy Education Development Project (NEED): Curriculum Guides
Sheldon High School, Elk Grove, CA
Bravo Medical Magnet High School, Los Angeles, CA
Engineering for Health Academy Lesson Plan: Physiology: Challenges and Solutions Lab 1
Partners in Learning Compact (Student, Family, and Faculty Pledges)
Reading and Reports
"Beyond Tracking: Multiple Pathways to College, Career, and Civic Participation," edited by Jeannie Oakes and Marisa Saunders (Harvard Education Press, November 2008)
"Career Academies: Communities of Support for Students and Teachers: Emerging Findings from a 10-Site Evaluation," James J. Kemple, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC), November 1997
"Combining Academic and Career-Technical Courses To Make College an Option for More Students: Evidence and Challenges," David Stern and Roman Stearns, November 2006
"The Economic Losses from High School Dropouts in California," Clive R. Belfield and Henry M. Levin, California Dropout Research Project Report #1, UC Santa Barbara, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education, August 2007
"Expanding Pathways: Transforming High School Education in California," Gary Hoachlander, Roman J. Stearns, and Carol Studier, ConnectEd, January 2008
"High School Career Academies: A 40-Year Proven Model for Improving College and Career Readiness," Betsy Brand, American Youth Policy Forum, November 2009
"Multiple Pathways in California: An Emerging Option for High School Reform," EdSource, November 2009
"Multiple Pathways to Student Success: Envisioning the New California High School," California Department of Education, May 2010
Additional Resources from Edutopia
Elk Grove Unified School District And Bravo Medical Magnet High School
Per Pupil Expenditures
Free / Reduced Lunch
The above demographics are for Bravo Medical Magnet High School. The demographics for Elk Grove Unified School District are as follows:
26% Hispanic,
25% White,
23% Asian,
18% Black,
6% Filipino,
2% Pacific Islander,
1% Native American