Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
By the Numbers: Math Anathema
The experts (and most kids) declare U.S. math education “broken.”
By Edutopia
May 23, 2008
Credit: XPLANE
Eighty-four percentof kids would rather take out thetrash, cleantheir rooms, or go to the dentistthan do their math homework.
One complaint: Math textbooks cover too many topics without enough depth.
The finding bythe NationalMathematicsAdvisory Paneldeclared matheducation in the United States "broken"and called on schools to focus on teachingfundamental math skills that provide theunderpinning for success in high tech jobs.
The panelsaid thatstudentsmust beable toadd and subtractwhole numbersby the end ofthird grade andbe skilled atadding andsubtractingfractions anddecimals by theend of fifth grade.