David N. Cicilline, Mayor
Learn more about PASA program participants.
On July 1, 2004, Providence, Rhode Island, mayor David N. Cicilline launched the Providence After School Alliance (PASA) to develop a citywide system to substantially increase high-quality, affordable out-of-school-time enrichment opportunities for the city's children and youth.
Cicilline, born in Providence's South Side, began his political life serving four terms as state representative from Providence's East Side, when he earned a reputation as a fierce champion of political reform and gun safety, and his dedication to ethics in government won him a number-one ranking from Common Cause, a nonpartisan organization that holds elected leaders accountable to the public.
Under Cicilline's leadership, Providence has seen crime drop to its lowest rate in 30 years, and affordable housing is developing at six times the rate of the 1990s. His vision for a robust after-school system to rival those of wealthy suburban communities is now a reality through his leadership of PASA and the collective efforts of more than 150 public and nonprofit after-school providers.
More on A New Day for Learning: A Deeper Look into Four Full-Time-Learning Programs