Project-Based Learning (PBL)

The School-to-Work Movement: Four Reports Look Back

Understanding the 1994 School-to-Work Opportunities Act.

July 1, 2001

A handbook for individuals and organizations that are engaged in connecting community resources with schools.

Credit: School-to-Work Intermediary Project

The School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 was created to support state and local educational reform initiatives. The legislation grew out of research demonstrating an absence of systems connecting school and work. All fifty states received School-to-Work (STW) funds, and while there have been varying degrees of success, the results overall have been promising. Federal legislation is set to end in October 2001, and many agencies have been gathering information to ensure that positive elements of the school-to-work movement continue to be extended and supported throughout the United States.

The following reports discuss the successes, challenges, and future of the school-to-work movement and its impact on public education.

The Intermediary Guidebook: Making and Managing Community Connections for Youth

New collaborations are emerging at all levels of education, designed to promote young people's self-confidence about their abilities, increase their connections to adults and opportunities, and foster the academic and work-related competencies they need to succeed. First published in October 2000 and updated May 2001, The Intermediary Guidebook is designed for people and organizations who are engaging in these partnership efforts. It brings together the experience and lessons of the School-to-Work Intermediary Project, which is a joint effort of Jobs for the Future and New Ways to Work.

The Intermediary Guidebook contains three fold-out charts to assist in the planning process. A CD-ROM appendix contains a wide variety of project tools, nine case studies, five issue briefs, fifty snapshots of promising practices, and brief profiles of forty-three member organizations of the Intermediary Network.

You can obtain the report through New Ways to Work or Jobs for the Future. A PDF version of this report is available at the Intermediary Network.

This report compiles research examining the effects of recent school-to-work activities.

Credit: IEE, Teachers College, Columbia University

School-to-Work: Making a Difference in Education

Released in February 2001, this report from the Institute on Education and the Economy (IEE) at Teachers College, Columbia University, is a synthesis of the lessons learned over the past seven years. The studies described in the report reflect the early effects of the school-to-work movement on educators, students, and employers. While there have been many positive outcomes, it remains to be seen if these will translate into long-term effects on college enrollments and career success. Among the accomplishments since the legislation passed in 1994 are:

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The report also describes some areas that will need improvement including:

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A free PDF version of the report is available on the IEE, Teachers College Web site.

Looking Forward: School-to-Work Principles and Strategies for Sustainability

Published in June 2000 by the American Youth Policy Forum and the Center for Workforce Development, Institute for Educational Leadership, this report documents promising initiatives, partnerships, and reform supported by the School-to-Work Opportunities Act (STWOA). Through a series of sponsored discussions with key stakeholders at the national and local levels, the report unveils ten essential principles that summarize elements from the STWOA and strategies used in the field:

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The report reviews a number of federal education and training laws that may provide further support for STW programs. Also included are recommendations and suggestions for several stakeholder groups to ensure the STW movement continues to progress.

A free PDF version of the report is available from the American Youth Policy Forum.

Career Academies: Impacts on Students’ Engagement and Performance in High School

Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation's March 2000 report is an extensive review of a promising approach to high school restructuring and the school-to-work transition. Students in the study sample were identified in the eighth or ninth grade and followed until shortly before high school graduation. The report focuses on three questions:

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Some of the key findings of the report are:

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A free copy of the full report, including policy implications and descriptions of the Career Academy approach, is available. To obtain a printed copy contact Publications Department, MDRC, 16 East 34th Street, New York, NY 10016.

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