Finding the Gold Within: Excellent Film for Educators and Students Available for Streaming
Six Black college students are filmed for about four years—each motivated to disprove society’s stereotypes about Black students not valuing education.

A couple of years ago I wrote a review of the film Finding the Gold Within, an excellent film for educators and for high school students. The director, Karina Epperlein, made the educational DVD available free for a number of high school teachers who agreed to share their classroom experience with the film with her. Now the film is available for streaming starting May 30th – on Amazon Prime, iTunes, GooglePlay, VUDU, and Hoopla.
GOLD Streaming allows all educators and students to view the documentary. Its message is relevant and important, perhaps even more so now as we all need more success stories, inspiration, and examples for positive change.
My review was not alone in praising the film. There has been enthusiastic feedback from critics, press, endorsements, and audiences all around the country. Audience responses have been overwhelmingly strong, audiences of all ages, colors, and classes. Finding the Gold Within has reached audiences at more than eighty screenings at film festivals, conferences, think tanks, public school districts, colleges, Black Male Summit, etc. Karina and her staff have made great strides with educational distribution – with use in classrooms, universities, high schools, libraries, after school programs, etc., nationwide.
And in February, a home-use DVD was released. A free study guide is also available. I can’t recommend Finding the Gold Within highly enough, and its increased availability is great news for all teachers and students.