Teaching Character: The Choices We Make
Character is a misused and misunderstood concept. People who display honesty, integrity, and a strong work ethic, among other values, are often described as "high-character individuals." While there is no doubt that we should work hard to emulate these individuals, possessing those dispositions does not necessarily mean that they have crossed the threshold of demonstrating character.
Conversely, you rarely hear the term "high-character individual" used to describe people in prison, those who have failed in business and filed for bankruptcy, drug addicts, and individuals whose actions have landed them in trying circumstances. Our actions certainly have consequences, and those who make poor decisions should be held accountable. However, a history of poor behavior does not necessarily disqualify a person from demonstrating character.
Character is Not Always Doing the Right Thing
To fully grasp the concept, one must first understand what character is and what it is not. It isn't always doing the right thing. No person always does the right thing. We all fail and fall short of others' expectations, and even our own. Character is not how we act when everything is going well -- it is how we react to failure.
Being nice when life is comfortable and humble after receiving a promotion is easy. But when life hits you in the mouth, all those dispositions become much more difficult to manifest. Nevertheless, there is beauty in hard times, and those moments are precisely when character is revealed.
Character is a Decision
Character is a voluntary response, a decision. Too many societally recognized "individuals of high character" wilt miserably when the real opportunity to show character presents itself. While Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinski was scandalous, it was his response that revealed an even more fundamental character flaw. Had President Clinton showed contrition and humility, he would have demonstrated character. Unfortunately, his opportunity to enlighten and inspire others was missed. In order to demonstrate character, we must be totally honest with ourselves and then with others.
I have personally encountered people who, while labeled as losers by society, demonstrate remarkable character. A man I'll call "Ted" works in my field. When he first started, Ted was living in a homeless shelter, the consequence of drug abuse and alcoholism. After a stint in jail, DUIs, and living in a state of abject loss and poverty, Ted became a common laborer making $7 an hour. Today he is married, a salaried manager, a father, and has proudly repaid every dollar of every fine. Seeing an opportunity to work hard and forge a life for himself, Ted made a decision to look honestly at his life and change it. As long as there is air in your lungs, it is never too late to change.
Tough Times Don't Build Character
Fundamentally, dozens of tenets should be followed in order to lead a fulfilled and meaningful life. Character, however, is in a class of its own. Regardless of how well we prepare, we will always make mistakes. The tough times created by these mistakes, contrary to popular belief, don't build character. They reveal it -- or not -- depending on our choices.
Here is an activity that you can use in your classroom to help students reflect on character and choices.
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No one will know who faced which tough situation, yet all will identify with the challenges and responses. If proposed responses to the challenges are less than ideal, that's fine. The important takeaway from the activity is this: demonstrating character involves making a choice, and it's never too late.
How do you teach your students about character?