Professional Learning

Readers’ Survey 2007: Best Education Software

Edutopia readers weigh in on their favorites.

May 8, 2007

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For the second year, Inspiration (designed to help students plan and organize projects) has nabbed first place, and the ubiquitous Microsoft Office is again not far behind. Next in line came Vernier's Logger Pro, thanks to its array of data-collection tools for science classrooms, followed by the addictively cool Google Earth. (See the article "The Good Earth" for a profile of its use in education.) But a sure sign of the technological times was the wide, wide range of additional responses -- from "My eCoach" to "the Geometer's Sketchpad" and the "The Phonics Game" -- with very few "I don't know's" scattered between.

Our Take

Inspired Readers

A two-peat win raises the question, what makes Inspiration such an inspiration? A handful of respondents offered this feedback:

1. The visual-mapping component makes information easy to process and remember.

2. Works well with others (software, that is) and is helpful for curriculum building.

3. Easy to learn -- for both kids and teachers.

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