Mimi Ito on Learning in Social Media Spaces (Big Thinkers Series)
Mimi Ito, an expert in young people’s use of digital media, shares her research on informal learning in online communities, where students can build technology skills, learn media literacy, and create and share their work.
Big Thinkers Video Series
Some of the most compelling visionaries in the world -- from Sir Ken Robinson to Jane Goodall to Martin Scorsese -- are focusing their attention on how to improve education. From innovative classroom concepts to suggestions on how to foster creativity and collaboration, they share their valuable insights for teaching and learning and illuminate new solutions to old problems.
Get inspired by their big ideas.
More Edutopia Coverage on Social Media:
- RESOURCE ROUNDUP: Social Media in Education
This collection of blogs, articles, and videos from Edutopia aims to help teachers deploy social media tools in the classroom to engage students in 21st-century learning.
- CLASSROOM GUIDE: How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School
Get the seven steps (and a roundup of valuable resources) you need to help bring social media in your classroom.
- BLOG: The Importance of Digital Citizenship in Social Media
Blogger Andrew Marcinek reflects on social and digital media integration into the lives of teachers and students..
Mimi Ito is the research director at the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub. She is chair of the MacArthur Research Network on Connected Learning. Mimi is a professor in residence at the University of California Humanities Research Institute. Keep up to date with Mimi Ito and the Digital Media & Learning Research Hub on Twitter.
Visit the Big Thinkers series page to see more videos.