Teacher Appreciation – Tip #21: Plant a Tree in Honor of Your Teacher
Get tips and ideas every day in May for Teacher Appreciation Month on how you can thank your favorite teachers — and support them throughout the year!
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Tip #21: Plant a Tree in Honor of Your Teacher
The perfect thanks for the nature-loving teacher -- plant a tree in his or her honor. You can ask permission to plant a new tree somewhere on school grounds or use a website like the Arbor Day Foundation or The Trees Remember to have a tree planted in a national park in their honor.
Parents: Have your child pick a date and time during Teacher Appreciation Month to meet their teacher at the newly planted tree every year. Teachers love to stay in touch and hear what their previous students are up to.
"Every Day in May"
Every day in May we'll be offering up a new way to appreciate teachers.
Do you want to share a recommendation for how best to show your gratitude to an educator? Post a comment with your tip below -- we'll feature the most popular ones (that is, comments with the most likes) on Edutopia.org and in our newsletter.