Teacher Appreciation – Tip #20: Give Classroom Supplies
Get tips and ideas every day in May for Teacher Appreciation Month on how you can thank your favorite teachers — and support them throughout the year!
Tip # 20: Give Classroom Supplies
In an Edutopia survey a few years back, nearly half of the educators that responded told us that they spend $500 or more on classroom supplies each year out of their own pockets. Thank your teacher by helping stock their classroom. Ask them what they need most -- it could be as simple as new whiteboard pens or an extra pencil sharpener.
If you are unable to provide the supplies yourself, or the wish list is large, you can research ways to get free supplies through websites like DonorsChoose.org or Adopt-A-Classroom, and help set up and promote the campaigns. Don’t stop there -- check out "How to Get Free Teaching Materials" for more ideas.
"Every Day in May"
Every day in May we'll be offering up a new way to appreciate teachers.
Do you want to share a recommendation for how best to show your gratitude to an educator? Post a comment with your tip below -- we'll feature the most popular ones (that is, comments with the most likes) on Edutopia.org and in our newsletter.