Teacher Appreciation – Tip #12: Support Teachers Around the World
Get tips and ideas every day in May for Teacher Appreciation Month on how you can thank your favorite teachers — and support them throughout the year!
Tip #12: Support Teachers Around the World
Why limit your appreciation of great teachers to your own neighborhood? You can learn about teachers across the globe by checking out our "Education Everywhere" video series, which profiles high-achieving international education systems and model schools. You can even get involved by supporting a school in another country -- read "How to Help an International School: Give the Gift of Books -- and More" for some great ideas.
"Every Day in May"
Every day in May we'll be offering up a new way to appreciate teachers.
Do you want to share a recommendation for how best to show your gratitude to an educator? Post a comment with your tip below -- we'll feature the most popular ones (that is, comments with the most likes) on Edutopia.org and in our newsletter.