Suzanne Acord, PhD
High school history teacher and PD provider in Houston, Texas.
I began my teaching career in Yap, Micronesia as a Peace Corps volunteer. I fell in love with the profession during my two years of service. I currently teach high school history and adjunct at a local university. When I'm not teaching, I can be found traveling, checking out museums, or at a teacher workshop. Conference highlights include Google Apps for Education, NCSS, and all NEH workshops! I'm a workshop junkie! I hope to see you at an educational conference soon! Let's talk shop!
Teacher at Sea Blog: http://teacheratsea.noaa.gov/2014/acord.html
Travel Blog: http://www.edutopia.org/blog/summer-travel-for-teachers-suzanne-acord
Music in the Classroom Blog: https://www.edutopia.org/blog/use-music-develop-cultural-empathy-suzanne-acord-phd