Susanne Denham
Psychology Professor, Applied Developmental Psychologist, CASEL Research Advisory Group
Susanne Denham, Ph.D., of George Mason University, is an Applied Developmental Psychologist with particular expertise in the social and emotional development of children. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Western Maryland College, Dr. Denham went on to receive her M.A. from the Johns Hopkins University and her doctorate from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Apart from using her experience as a mother of three children to initiate and explore her research on emotion and development in children, Dr. Denham has also used her 11 years of hands-on experience as a school psychologist to aid in her research. She has authored articles and two books on varying topics, from emotional and social competence in preschoolers and older children, to developmental psychopathology. These projects have been supported by the National Institutes of Mental Health, the National Science Foundation, and the W.T. Grant Foundation. Dr. Denham has also studied the development of forgiveness in children with the support of ‘A Campaign for Forgiveness Research’ of the John Templeton Foundation.