Kathleen Decker
Kathleen Decker Principal of Walter Bracken and Walter Long STEAM Academies
I am very involved in many influential projects in the Clark County School District and the community. I foster collaborations with multiple community partners which has proven to positively impact student's academic success. I assisted in the development of the Piggy Bank Program at Bracken Steam Academy, which has expanded to other CCSD schools. I create partnerships for my schools and others by offering school tours to partners and I encourage business members to work with other local schools. My work with Leadership Las Vegas to create a Hydroponics Project at Bracken in collaboration and Rancho HS has been beneficial to all stakeholders. I have also connected with school administrators to increase the school gardening programs which encourages student success through hands-on learning. I believe if everyone works as a team within the community we can positively impact change in education.
I continue to strive to increase student achievement and build capacity in our District by providing mentoring and guidance to administrators and their school teams. I have mentored numerous administrators to help climate, organization, budget, website development, and targeted instructional programs. I teach school climate classes for administrators, counselors, and teachers. I have shared leadership experiences by presenting at the State of Nevada Mega Conference and have presented innovative programs nationally for the past 12 years. I am a leader who unites the school, the parents and the community to create an environment which captures the true meaning of "engagement". I have been fortunate enough to gain the trust of our district and "Franchise" Bracken STEAM Academy to another local school. This new pilot program will allow me to leverage success to another campus while developing strong leaders who understand that the focus on culture, community, consistency and climate will create a powerful learning environment for all children.