John Larmer
Editor in Chief, Buck Institute for Education
John Larmer is currently the senior PBL advisor for Defined Learning. He has been a thought leader and expert on project-based learning for over 20 years. He helped build the Buck Institute for Education, now known as PBLWorks, where he served as editor in chief. He co-developed their model for Gold Standard PBL and contributed to the creation of the Framework for High-Quality PBL. John is the author of several books on PBL, including the ASCD best sellers Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning (2015) and, with Suzie Boss, Project Based Teaching (2018). In 2021 he wrote the book Teaching Civics Today for Teacher Created Materials. John has blogged for Edutopia, XQ Institute, and several other outlets, and written articles for Educational Leadership/ASCD, Education Week, ISTE, and Social Education. He has spoken at conferences in China, Australia, Chile, and other countries. He began his career as a high school social studies and English teacher in California, and was a school coach for the Coalition of Essential Schools.