The Teacher as Reader
Did you know that if you’re a reader you’re more likely to learn something new everyday? It also means that you’re more likely to vote, exercise and be more cultural! (UNB Facts)
In this current age of text messaging, visuals, infographics, blogs, bullet points, lists, 140 character tweets, are we reading enough as educators? Those of us who are connected educators share each other’s work all the time, but are we reading everything we share? We encourage our students to read probably on a daily basis, especially us English teachers, but do we ever think that we ourselves can expand our own reading skills?
Can we as educated adults improve our reading and literacy skills? If so, how? what type of skills should we hope to gain? or strengthen?
Do we expand our reading horizons often enough? Read different subjects outside our comfort zone? would that discourage us from reading for a bit? possibly...but might it help build up our reading stamina?
How much should we be reading? I am not quite sure, and I am hoping to figure that out for myself. I do think that reading, just like writing, is a very personal experience. It should tailor to the specific needs of the individual (myself) and no other.
I am hoping to expand my own reading horizons this holiday season. I already have a few books on my list that I couldn’t see myself reading last year:
- Blackboard: A personal history of the classroom. Lewis Buzbee.
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Thomas Kuhn.
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Paulo Freire.
It’s very easy to Like or Favourite an image, a quote or an infographic without reading the content that it stems from. These tools themselves are representative of creativity, innovation and free thinking. I do believe in the power of visuals, quotes, text messages, and tweets. But I also believe in the power of what lies behind these tools: thoughts and ideas that can change the world around us.
In order for deep learning to occur, we must delve into ideas and thoughts to be able to interact with them ourselves.
Reading, responding, reflecting.
Often going back to the basics helps us move forward.
Please share if you have a reading list for this holiday break and your thoughts on reading in general.
(UNB Facts)
This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.