Student Agency: Voice, Choice and Making
In anticipation of the new Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessments, which students will take online, teachers are being asked to help students prepare by giving them more time on computers. After all, if the testing environment is all online, students need to be familiar with and comfortable using basic computer commands and options, as well as keyboarding and computation.
But as with any significant shift in classroom practices, there has been some push-back, as parents and educators alike ask about the potential downsides of too much “screen time” for kids. New technologies offer a wealth of opportunities for students to discover their own agency: to take control of their learning, to make choices in their education, to find their unique voice. But will students become passive learners, sitting in front of a screen and consuming, instead of actively interacting with and producing new content?
Yesterday I participated in a Hangout ( with the National Writing Project and Educator Innovator on how we can create opportunities, space, and time for all youth to be agents in their own learning.
Kicking off Connected Educator Month, we take inspiration from the “Maker Movement” as well as Connected Learning principles to support the sharing of ideas and strategies related to this notion of youth agency throughout October and beyond.
As my students prepare for NaNoWriMo, they find their own voices honored as they choose all aspects of the novel they will create. How do you give your kids opportunities to find their voices and claim agency in your classroom? Please share in the comments below!
This piece was originally submitted to our community forums by a reader. Due to audience interest, we’ve preserved it. The opinions expressed here are the writer’s own.