Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
If You Had Only One Day, What Would You Teach?
By Ashley Gomez
July 9, 2015 Updated July 7, 2015
Time. Sometimes there's too much of it, other times we're begging for more. Often, we're so caught up in our daily lifes, that we forget its real importance. In our work especially, we tend to go through the motions and forget the reason we took that job in the first place. We lose out on time meaningfully spent.
Recently, we asked our Facebook community this question: “If I could only teach for one day, I would teach…” The answers we received were amazing:

Compassion, Empathy, Kindess, Love, Respect... the list goes on and on. So the question is, why not teach every day as if it truly were our last? If not now, then when?
We would love to hear what else you would add to the list. Share your thoughts in the comment section below.