Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)
If I Could Only Give My Students One Piece of Advice
By Hillary Hill
March 3, 2015
We asked Edutopia's Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ communities to finish the following sentence: "If I could only give my students one piece of advice, it would be..."
There were many, many wonderful responses. These are just some of our favorites:
Cope With Failure and Learn From Mistakes
- Success is always a process, never an event. Failure is always an event, never a person - Manolis Votsis
- Mistakes are meant to be made. It's what you do different the next time that matters - Dina Maryea-Baker
- Take risks and see mistakes as learning opportunities, not things to be avoided at all costs - @lorimacdon
- Failure is not a red F, it is the "First Attempt in Learning" - Dean Mantz
Love Yourself
- The way people treat you is a reflection of their character, not yours - Steph Burg
- Be kind to yourself - Shaelin Shields
- To the are not an object. To the are not a stereotype. Be strong, be free of images, make your own path - Gerry Kenney
- Never let anybody call you stupid... including yourself - Sherry Meagher
- To live each day proud of all the things they can do and not be stifled by all the things they can't - @Teach4love
- Laugh at yourself once in a while - G VanDeCarr
- What you think matters. What you say matters. What you do matters. You matter - Daryl Myers
Being a Good Person
- Be accepting to other children - Kisha Gaskill
- Have empathy for others - Debbie Reed
- Always look at the two sides of the story before judging - @Justmemarie2
- Help build each other UP. We're all in this together - @KHowlandGHS
- Empathy and an open mind are important for global citizens. Learning will spring from both - Cynthia Clark
- Give back by volunteering. It will help in many ways - Deanna Concidine
- Listen first, try to understand second, and judge last - @MrBarry628
Know the Keys to Success
- Being open to new things, preparation, planning, networking & a sprinkle of luck are key to success - Dawn Clarke
- Let it go! Let it go! Not saying let go of your education, but let go of the little stuff that tends to dictate whether or not you have a bad day in school. It's HARD to do when you're an adult, much less a kid - Mary Gallagher
- Don't let anyone else define success for you - Rick Wylie
- You are the best advocate for yourself - Tara Schurman
Find Your Passion - Teri Skillman
- Get experience with what you love. Qualifications will get you to the interview but experience and passion will get you further - @PeoplePensPaper
- Find a career/job that makes you excited to leave your bed - @terriluna01
Slow Down
- Don't be in a hurry to grow up - Ron Sims
- Relax - Mark Welinski
- It's a marathon, not a sprint. You don't need to do everything and/or immediately - Susan Russo
Be a Lifelong Learner - @TXSalsaCongress
- Education is not for few years learning process it's a life long till the end of life process - Shivani Agarwal
- Learning how to learn is the most important thing you will ever learn - Janet Piskurich
- Never stop learning. School can teach you many things, but the world has knowledge that extends beyond classrooms. Be open to it - @MsMedinaTweets
- Learning will positively transform your life blooming into a distinguished valuable being - @bashaierk
- Remember and A,B,C,D,F....does not define who you are or who you will learning - Cheryl Best
- Listen more than you speak when trying to attain new skills and knowledge - Marcia Baynes
- Listen.... listen to your teachers, to your parents, to your peers. Learn to listen and really hear what others are saying. This is a life skill that many children and adults were never taught - Chad Jones
- Appreciate the words of all those with experience - Michael Manning
Ask Questions and Be Curious
- Allow yourself to be curious. There is so much to learn that "isn't on the test" - Kate Phipps
- Question everything - @TheRealMrBauer
- Follow your curiosity but be both open minded and skeptical - @library_jim
- Perseverance fuels the learning experience, and patience beautifies it - @rasheedhammadi
- Don't make excuses, make it happen. You're capable of overcoming any obstacle life throws your way - Anthony Mason
- Life is tough...but you're tougher - Kid President - Tanya B Murphy
- Never give up, even when it seems like your only option. Never doubt there are people in your corner - @Jody_Burke
Be Practical
- Don't procrastinate - - get it started! ( opposed to "Get it done.") - David Crumbaker
- Develop good study habits - Laura Stipancich
- Read the directions - @LindaAragoni
- Wear sunscreen. (Sorry. Couldn't help it.) - Rodney Fields
READ, READ, and READ - Randy Keck
- Read. A lot. Including newspapers - @jdmstewart1
- Never stop reading - Page Bobo Dancy