Classroom Hacks: The Rubber Band Control Valve and the Duct Tape Anti-Clicker
The Rubber Band Control Valve
On the third day of school during pack-up, a usually stressful, loud adventure, I spied a student across the room taking a Purrell bath. He squirted a healthy glob of hand sani into his palm and then proceeded to moisturize his face and arms. To make a long story short, (ouch) he didn’t exactly enjoy (burn) the classroom cleanse for obvious reasons (sizzle). I had a long talk with him and then with his mom. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t happen again with him, but what about other students? I definitely didn’t want another “event.”

What should I do? I didn’t have to think long. That day after school I went into a friend’s classroom and noticed she had a rubber band wrapped around the hand sanitizer-pumping dispenser. Bingo! The rubber band stops the pump from pumping all the way down, which gives a nice little smidge of sanitizing goodness –– a little droplet. She didn’t create this idea. I think she credited Pinterest. Genius!
The Duct Tape Anti-Clicker
This idea is for the student who cannot resist the temptation to click pencils. It’s like he’s constantly counting off the encore song at a Van Halen concert. He’s the kid that I like to call “reminder-proof.” Reminders just bounce off. He’s also a magician because no matter how many pencils I might take from him, he always has more. Perhaps up his sleeve. Clicking, clicking, clicking. And when you think he’s not paying attention and zing him with a question mid-click –– he knows the answer.
He’s hyperactive?
He needs to click?
Of course.
Does it mess with his learning?
Not really.
Does it mess with his peers?

That’s why I needed to silence the click. I called upon the most versatile Macgyver-like substance on earth. Duct Tape. Yes, I duct taped his pencils, which allows the clicker to click without the click. Muted. Silenced. It’s working for now. We’re all happy.
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