Technology Integration

Share the Digital Generation Project

Distribution and presentation — online or offline — of our videos and articles is encouraged.

May 27, 2009

Get Involved

Everyone has something to add to the conversation, so please participate:

  • Leave comments on videos and articles throughout the Digital Generation Project site. Share your own ideas, your successes, your challenges, and any other stories that help us better meet the needs of the Digital Generation.
  • Continue the conversation on Twitter: Follow us at @edutopia.
  • Like us on Facebook, and tell us what you think.

Spread the Word

Share the Digital Generation Project with your colleagues, friends, and community. You have full permission to post a video or an article to your Web site or blog, send a link via email, or go old-school and just tell a friend. We've made it pretty easy:

  • Just click the Share button on any video or article and choose where you want to place the link: Facebook, iGoogle, Delicious, Twitter -- they're all just one click away.
  • Click on the Embed Video link on video pages. Don't let the HTML code scare you; simply cut and paste it into your blog post or other Web page, and our video will automagically appear on your site.
  • Download videos from the Digital Generation Project collection to share with colleagues and friends free. Click the Download link on each video page, or visit Edutopia's Digital Generation Project page on iTunes U. Downloaded videos are best suited for use on mobile devices like phones, PDAs, and mp3 players.

Share at Schools, Workshops, and Community Events

You can use our content offline as well. Whether you show our videos in presentations or copy our articles for staff meetings, we hope the Digital Generation Project can help educators, parents, and kids understand the amazing ways today's youth are using digital tools.

To get you started, we've created discussion questions for most videos. They are located just below the videos, and we hope they'll jump-start great conversations. For example, take a look at the questions below Jalen's video portrait.

Here are a few more ways to use our content:

  • Share the video portraits of ten tech-savvy youths with kids to generate ideas for classroom or home projects.
  • Put a copy of your favorite article in the mailbox of every teacher at your school.
  • Have kids or graduate students read an article or watch a video and post a reflection on a blog.
  • Send a copy of an article home for parents and kids to read and discuss together or as a preassignment for an upcoming project.

Have more creative ideas for using the Digital Generation Project in your school and community?

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