Professional Learning

Ways to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience This Year

Here are some tips for educators who need to manage stress, boost their emotional energy reserves, and recapture their joy for teaching and leading in schools. 

September 10, 2015

Working in schools is emotionally challenging, and teaching is emotionally consuming. Stress and burnout lead many effective educators to quit. There are two truths about this state of affairs.

The first is that systemic changes need to be made in order to relieve the amount of stress that educators are under. The conditions under which many teachers and administrators work are simply inhumane. (I'm not going to detail or describe these here, but they do need to be named, and conditions need to change.)

What I want to discuss now is the second truth about this state of affairs, which is that we -- the teachers, administrators, and educators who are stressed and burning out -- can do something about this stress. While we advocate for systemic changes to improve the conditions in which we work, we can also take specific steps, every day, to cultivate our emotional resilience.

We can learn how to not only manage the stress, but also boost our reserves of emotional energy so that we can enjoy teaching and leading in schools. We can also channel this energy back into the fight for improved working conditions.

So here are a few suggestions for ways to boost your vital reserves of emotional strength. I'm not going to share here the "why this works," but these are all research-based. Just try these suggestions and you'll see that they help.

1. Build Community

Feeling connected to your colleagues, your students, their families, and the community in which you work is an essential element in building emotional resilience. We need each other. The beginning of the school year is the most logical time to build community. Here are some ways to do this:

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2. Know Yourself

As you engage in learning about others in your community, explore who you are as an educator and human being. Here are some ways to do this:

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With self-knowledge comes ability to make choices and decisions that will help build resilience.

3. Create a Plan for Self-Care

I know you've heard it before: Sleep, exercise, and eat well! If you've struggled to prioritize sleep, exercise, and nutritious food in the past, I encourage you to take an inquiry stance. See what happens if you prioritize these essential actions for a couple of weeks.

Start with one goal at a time. Get eight hours of sleep every night this week or eat a healthy lunch each day -- and pay close attention to how your emotions shift.

You've heard this before, too, but let me remind you of some simple things that you can do:

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Next post, I'll offer more specific suggestions for ways to cultivate your emotional resilience this year. In the meantime, you can start right now. Go take a walk, and if you walk with a colleague, you'll be doing two things at the same time to boost your resilience.

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