Share Your Selfie in #MyClassContest
At Edutopia, we’re always talking about how the role of the educator shifts when students have access to powerful computing devices in their pockets. But what happens when the educators themselves have access to powerful computing devices? Among other things -- selfies!
In honor of National Teacher Day, we’re launching a contest. Take a selfie, upload it to Instagram or Twitter, and tag it. Check out this page for the specifics.
Here are some selfies to get you inspired.
Humanities teacher Josh Block and his high school students at Science Leadership Academy solemnly brainstorm their next interpretive drama about their creative process.
Laura Thomas, Director at Antioch University New England, and her staff try something new for faculty meetings.
Grafton Public School Director of Technology Andrew Marcinek and his team of mighty engineers celebrate after inventing a time-travel machine that runs on alfalfa.
English teacher Laura Bradley steals a moment after a long day of helping her middle school students slay dragons, provide food to the hungry, and bring peace to the land.
John Thomas with his NASA team of educators share a moment of triumph after preparing our youngest astronauts (grades 1-4) for a trip into outer space.
Now it's your turn. Add your selfie to the mix -- and share the link to it in this thread! And maybe you'll be one of the winners of a Microsoft Surface 3 Tablet.